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Minggu, 05 Mei 2013

Seri Mahir Sertifikasi: CCNA

Pentingnya Sertifikat CCNA yang sesungguhnya (copas) 

by Romi Satria Wahono

ciscocert.gifSeperti saya jelaskan di tulisan sebelumnya tentangKeunggulan Defacto dan Dejure, dua keunggulan itu harus secara paralel kita raih. Kita tidak bisa bergantung hanya dari satu keunggulan untuk bertahan hidup di dunia IT yang semakin keras. Keunggulan dejure dapat kita raih tidak hanya dengan degree (gelar akademis s1, s2, s3), tetapi juga melalui sertifikasi (certification) atau sering disebut juga dengan sertifikasi industri (industrial certification), yang lebih fokus ke suatu bidang. Sertifikasi secara umum bisa kita bagi menjadi dua, yang dikeluarkan oleh vendor (Cisco, Microsoft, Redhat, dsb) dan yang non-vendor (LPI, PMP, dsb).
ciscologo.gifSeperti juga Jepang dengan sertifikasi non-vendor yang terkenal dengan sebutan Joho Shori Shiken, Indonesia juga sudah mulai menggeliat dengan sertifikasi lokal yang digarap oleh Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi (LSP). Banyak yang harus kita kupas tentang sertifikasi ini termasuk seluk beluknya, persyaratan, materi yang diujikan, dimana tempat uji sertifikasinya, dsb. Karena itu saya coba menurunkan Seri Mahir Sertifikasi yang akan membahas berbagai sertifikasi yang ada di dunia dan Indonesia. Kali ini saya akan mulai dari seri sertifikasi Cisco, yaitu CCNA.
cisco1.jpgCisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) adalah salah satu pondasi penting dalam seri sertifikasi networking yang dikeluarkan oleh Cisco Systems. Level sertifikasi di Cisco setelah CCNA, terdapat CCNP (Cisco Certified Network Professional) dan CCIP (Cisco Certified Internetwork Professional), serta yang paling puncak adalah CCIE (Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert). Seorang bersertifikat CCNA memiliki ilmu pengetahuan dan kemampuan untuk instalasi, konfigurasi, mengoperasikan dan memecahkan permasalahan (troubleshooting) pada LAN, WAN dan layanan dial access untuk network kecil (dibawah 100 node), termasuk didalamnya penggunaan protokol seperti: IP, IGRP, Serial, Frame Relay, IP RIP, VLAN, RIP, Ethernet, Access Lists.
Untuk mendapatkan sertifikasi CCNA bisa dilakukan dengan dua cara:
  1. Lulus ujian INTRO 640-821 (Introduction to Cisco Networking Technologies) danICND 640-811 (Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices)
  2. Lulus ujian CCNA 640-801
Umur sertifikasi CCNA adalah tiga tahun, dan kita untuk memperpanjangnya kita bisa dengan mengikuti ujian CCNA 640-801 atau ICND 640-811. Ujian sertifikasi CCNA 640-801 dengan waktu ujian 90 menit untuk menyelesaikan 55-65 soal ujian. Ujian tersedia dalam bahasa Inggris dan Jepang. Kita bisa mengambil ujian CCNA 640-801, di tempat uji sertifikasi di seluruh Indonesia yang memperoleh pengakuan dariPearson VUE atau Prometric. Bentuk soal ujian dapat berupa:
  • Multiple-choice single answer
  • Multiple-choice multiple answer
  • Drag-and-drop
  • Fill-in-the-blank
  • Testlet
  • Simlet
  • Simulations
Materi yang diujikan terbagi menjadi empat tema, dengan subtema lengkap seperti berikut:
1. Planning & Designing
  • Design a simple LAN using Cisco Technology
  • Design an IP addressing scheme to meet design requirements
  • Select an appropriate routing protocol based on user requirements
  • Design a simple internetwork using Cisco technology
  • Develop an access list to meet user specifications
  • Choose WAN services to meet customer requirements
2. Implementation & Operation
  • Configure routing protocols given user requirements
  • Configure IP addresses, subnet masks, and gateway addresses on routers and hosts
  • Configure a router for additional administrative functionality
  • Configure a switch with VLANS and inter-switch communication
3. Implement a LAN
  • Customize a switch configuration to meet specified network requirements
  • Manage system image and device configuration files
  • Perform an initial configuration on a router
  • Perform an initial configuration on a switch
  • Implement access lists
  • Implement simple WAN protocols
4. Troubleshooting
  • Utilize the OSI model as a guide for systematic network troubleshooting
  • Perform LAN and VLAN troubleshooting
  • Troubleshoot routing protocols
  • Troubleshoot IP addressing and host configuration
  • Troubleshoot a device as part of a working network
  • Troubleshoot an access list
  • Perform simple WAN troubleshooting
5. Technology
  • Describe network communications using layered models
  • Describe the Spanning Tree process
  • Compare and contrast key characteristics of LAN environments
  • Evaluate the characteristics of routing protocols
  • Evaluate TCP/IP communication process and its associated protocols
  • Describe the components of network devices
  • Evaluate rules for packet control
  • Evaluate key characteristics of WANs
Pelatihan apa yang harus saya ikuti sebagai persiapan untuk ujian CCNA? Ada tiga jenis pelatihan yang bisa anda pilih dan ikuti untuk mempersiapkan diri dalam ujian mendapatkan sertifikasi CCNA.
  1. Mengikuti pelatihan persiapan ujian CCNA 640-801 dari lembaga-lembaga pelatihan yang mengadakan
  2. Mengikuti pelatihan persiapan ujian INTRO 640-821 dan ICND 640-811
  3. Mengikuti pelatihan CCNA (semester 1-4) sesuai dengan kurikulum Cisco Networking Academy Program (CNAP). Jalur ini sering disebut dengan jalur akademi, pemahaman lebih komprehensif dan ilmu yang didapat relatif lebih matang. Permasalahannya mungkin adalah waktu belajar relatif lebih lama. Hubungi Local Academy (LA) Cisco di wilayah anda untuk mengikuti program pelatihan CNAP.

Fungsi Refresh Pada Komputer

Salam Sejahtera ^_^
hari ini mau nyoba bahas tentang fungsi refresh, banyak yang gatau juga kan sebenernya buat apa seh kita suka melakukan refresh pada OS kita ???. Monggo

Yang mengkhawatirkan dari mereka, mungkin karena mereka tidak tahu alasan sebenarnya mengapa mereka menekan tombol ini. Parahnya lagi, mereka yang memiliki alasan kuat mengapa mereka menekan tombol ini justru meyakini mitos yang salah tentang fungsi tombol refresh tersebut.
Perlu diketahui refresh pada desktop berbeda dengan refresh page atau reload page pada browser. Kadangkala karena lalu lintas internet yang padat, ada halaman internet yang tidak dapat dimuat secara sempurna. Fungsi refresh pada browser ini adalah untuk memuat kembali halaman yang gagal dimuat sebelumnya. Sedangkan, refresh pada desktop memiliki fungsi yang berbeda dengan tombol refresh yang terdapat di dalam browser. Kebanyakan pengguna komputer baru atau awam, seperti penulis sendiri, pada awalnya meyakini bahwa tombol refresh berfungsi untuk meng-update atau memperbaharui kondisi siaga (idle) komputer setelah terjadi perubahan dan menghapus perintah sebelumnya dari RAM, sehingga komputer yang kita gunakan akan berjalan dengan lebih lancar dan lebih cepat. Namun, seperti yang telah diungkapkan sebelumnya, ternyata merupakan mitos semata.

Fungsi Tombol Refresh Desktop yang Sebenarnya Refresh desktop sebenarnya digunakan untuk memperbaharui tampilan atau memuat kembali tampilan yang ada di desktop setelah terjadi suatu perubahan. Refresh desktop tidak berfungsi untuk memperbaharui kembali kondisi RAM, dan tidak membersihkan komputer anda atau menyegarkan komputer anda. Oleh karena itu refresh desktop juga tidak menyumbangkan peningkatan performa apa pun pada kinerja komputer. Untuk lebih memudahkan anda dalam memahami penjelasan fungsi tombol refresh desktop ini, maka perhatikan ilustrasi berikut.
Kadangkala bila anda melakukan perubahan pada shortcut di desktop, perubahan tersebut tidak ditampilkan secara instan. Pada kasus ini, barulah anda perlu untuk melakukan refresh pada desktop anda untuk menampilkan perubahan yang telah dilakukan di desktop. Contohnya, anda telah mengatur shortcut di desktop agar namanya sesuai dengan urutan abjad. Saat anda menambahkan shortcut baru pada desktop, shortcut baru tersebut tidak akan langsung tersortir sesuai urutan abjad, tetapi akan berada di bagian paling bawah daftar shortcut.
Jika anda menekan tombol refresh desktop, semua shortcut akan diatur ulang kembali dan shortcut yang baru tersebut akan menempati posisinya sesuai abjadnya. Ini adalah fungsi tombol refresh desktop yang sebenarnya. Selain itu, refresh juga punya fungsi yang sama pada Windows Explorer. Jadi, bila anda punya kebiasaan melakukan refresh pada desktop anda berkali-kali tanpa mengetahui maksud dan fungsi sebenarnya tombol ini, maka anda sebaiknya menghentikan kebiasaan tersebut. Karena anda hanya membuang waktu dan perhatian anda untuk melakukan pekerjaan yang sebenarnya sia-sia.

Kebanyakan pengguna komputer terutama komputer dengan Operating System keluaran Windows pernah atau bahkan sering menekan tombol Tombol Klik Kanan lalu klik Refresh pada Desktop atau menggunakan tombol shortcut-nya pada keyboard yaitu tombol fungsi F5, dengan maksud  agar komputer lebih cepat bekerja, sehingga hal ini menjadi kebiasaan dimanapun dan pada komputer siapapun akan melakukan hal yang sama.

Semoga Bermanfaat ^_^

Selasa, 26 Maret 2013

Final Exam 2012 v.2

CCNA 2 Final Exam 2012 v.2


1. Which of the following are required when adding a network to the OSPF routing process configuration? (Choose three.)
network address
loopback address
autonomous system number
subnet mask
wildcard mask
area ID

2. Which of the following are primary functions of a router? (Choose two.)
packet switching
domain name resolution
path selection
flow control
CCNA2 v4.0 - 2
3. Refer to the routing table shown in the exhibit. What is the meaning of the highlighted value 192?
It is the value assigned by the Dijkstra algorithm that designates the number of hops in the network.
It is the value used by the DUAL algorithm to determine the bandwidth for the link.
It is the metric, which is cost.
It is the administrative distance.
4. Which three statements are true regarding the encapsulation and de-encapsulation of packets when traveling through
a router? (Choose three.)

The router modifies the TTL field, decrementing it by one.
The router changes the source IP to the IP of the exit interface.
The router maintains the same source and destination IP.
The router changes the source physical address to the physical address of the exit interface.

The router changes the destination IP to the IP of the exit interface.
The router sends the packet out all other interfaces, besides the one it entered the router on.

Refer to the exhibit. Which path will traffic from the network take to get to the network?
It will load balance the traffic between ADC and ABC
It will send the traffic via ABC, and will use ADC as a backup path only when ABC fails.
5. What is the purpose of the TTL field within an IP packet header?
clears an unreachable route from the routing table after the invalid timer expires
prevents regular update messages from inappropriately reinstating a route that may have gone bad
removes an unreachable route from the routing table after the flush timer expires
limits the period of time or number of hops a packet can traverse through the network before it should be discarded
used to mark the route as unreachable in a routing update that is sent to other routers

6. Refer to the exhibit. How many routes are both level 1 and qualify for use as an ultimate route?

7. Refer to the exhibit. Cost for each path are shown. If all routers are configured to use OSPF, what would be the path of a packet sent from Router C to Router D if Router A was down?

8. Refer to the exhibit. Routers 1 and 2 are directly connected over a serial link. Pings are failing between the two routers. What change by the administrator will correct the problem?
Set the encapsulation on both routers to PPP.
Decrease the bandwidth on Serial 0/1/0 on router 2 to 1544.
Change the cable that connects the routers to a crossover cable.
Change the IP address on Serial 0/1/0 on router 2 to

9. Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator is trying to determine why router JAX has no OSPF routes in its routing table. All routers are configured for OSPF area 0. From the JAX router, the administrator is able to ping its connected interfaces and the Fa0/1 interface of the ORL router but no other router interfaces. What is a logical step that the network administrator should take to troubleshoot the problem?
Reboot the routers.
Change the OSPF process ID on all of the routers to 0.
Check to see if the cable is loose between ORL and JAX.
Check to see if CDP packets are passing between the routers.
Use show and debug commands to determine if hellos are propagating

10. Refer to the exhibit. Which summarization should R1 use to advertise its networks to R2?
11. A router boots and enters setup mode. What is the reason for this?
The IOS image is corrupt.
Cisco IOS is missing from flash memory.
The configuration file is missing from NVRAM.
The POST process has detected hardware failure.

12. Refer to the exhibit. R1 is configured properly for a single area OSPF, and R2 has been recently installed in the network. Which set of commands is required to configure a single area OSPF for the networks that are connected to R2?
R2(config)# router ospf 1
R2(config-router)# network area 0
R2(config-router)# network area 0

R2(config)# router ospf 1 R2(config-router)# network area 0 R2(config)# router ospf 2 R2(config-router)# network area 0
R2(config)# router ospf 1 R2(config-router)# network area 0 R2(config-router)# network area 1
R2(config)# router ospf 1 R2(config-router)# network area 0 R2(config-router)# network area 1

13. Refer to the exhibit. Routers R1 and R2 are directly connected via their serial interfaces and are both running the EIGRP routing protocol. R1 and R2 can ping the directly connected serial interface of their neighbor, but they cannot form an EIGRP neighbor adjacency.
What action should be taken to solve this problem?

Enable the serial interfaces of both routers.
Configure EIGRP to send periodic updates.
Configure the same hello interval between the routers.
Configure both routers with the same EIGRP process ID

14. Refer to the exhibit. The hosts that are connected to R2 are unable to ping the hosts that are connected to R1. How can this problem be resolved?
Configure the router ID on both routers.
Configure the R2 router interfaces for area 0.
Configure a loopback interface on both routers.
Configure the proper subnet masks on the router interfaces.
15. In a lab test environment, a router has learned about network through four different dynamic routing processes. Which route will be used to reach this network?
D [90/2195456] via, 00:00:09, Serial0/0/0
O [110/1012] via, 00:00:22, Serial0/0/0
R [120/1] via, 00:00:17, Serial0/0/0
I [100/1192] via, 00:00:09, Serial0/0/0
16. Which statement is true about the metrics used by routing protocols?
A metric is a value used by a particular routing protocol to compare paths to remote networks.
A common metric is used by all routing protocols.
The metric with the highest value is installed in the routing table.
The router may use only one parameter at a time to calculate the metric

17. Refer to the exhibit. Both routers are using the RIPv2 routing protocol and static routes are undefined. R1 can ping and, but is unable to ping
What is the reason for the ping failure?

The serial interface between two routers is down.
R2 is not forwarding the routing updates.
The network is not included in the RIP configuration of R2.
RIPv1 needs to be configured.
18. Which two statements are true about the EIGRP successor route? (Choose two.)
It is saved in the topology table for use if the primary route fails.
It may be backed up by a feasible successor route.
It is used by EIGRP to forward traffic to the destination.
It is flagged as active in the routing table.
After the discovery process has occurred, the successor route is stored in the neighbor table

19. Refer to the exhibit. Hosts on the network cannot communicate with hosts on the network. The network administrator has run the show ip route command on R1. What could be the cause of this problem?
The FastEthernet interface on R1 is disabled.
Autosummarization is enabled on R1.
The serial interface S0/0/0 of R1 is administratively down.
No static route or routing protocol is configured.
20. Which statement correctly describes a feature of RIP?
RIP is a link-state routing protocol.
RIP uses only one metric—hop count— for path selection.
Advertised routes with hop counts greater than 10 are unreachable.
Messages are broadcast every 10 seconds

21. Refer to the exhibit. Which two statements are true based on the exhibited output? (Choose two.)
All routes are stable.

Each route has one feasible successor.
The serial interface between the two routers is down.
The administrative distance of EIGRP has been set to 50.
The show ip eigrp topology command has been run on R1.
22. A network administrator is analyzing routing update behavior on a network that has both EIGRP and OSPF
configured on all routers. Both protocols appear in the output of show ip protocols. However, only EIGRP internal
routes appear in the routing tables. Which statement correctly explains the scenario?

The OSPF protocol has a higher cost than EIGRP.
The EIGRP protocol has a lower metric than OSPF.
The EIGRP protocol was configured first on the router.
The EIGRP protocol has a lower administrative distance than OSPF
23. Which prompt is used to allow a user to change the IP address of an interface on a router?

24. Refer to the exhibit. Routers RTRA and RTRB are running OSPF. What entry does RTRA add in the routing table
when Serial 0/0/0 receives an update about the network that is attached to RTRB?

O [110/51] via, 00:00:25, Serial0/0/0
O [110/51] via, 00:00:25, Serial0/0/0
O [110/51] via, 00:00:25, Serial0/0/0
O [110/51] via, 00:00:25, Serial0/0/0
25. Which additional piece of information is included in the updates of classless routing protocols to support the use of VLSM and discontiguous networks?
network mask
neighbor router ID
administrative distance
26. Because of a topology change, the next hop IP address in the current static route must be reconfigured. How can a static route entry be altered to accommodate a topology change?
Keep the existing static route and configure a new static route with the correct next hop IP address.
Negate the existing static route and configure a new static route with the correct next hop IP address.
Do nothing. The existing static route will automatically update the next hop entry with the new IP address.
Keep the existing static route, reload the router, and configure a new static route with the correct next hop IP address
27. Which router mode is accessed by entering the enable command?
user EXEC
privileged EXEC
global configuration
interface configuration

28. Refer to the exhibit. An administrator is attempting to configure a router by copying and pasting the commands that are shown in the exhibit. However, only one of the FastEthernet interfaces is coming up. What is the problem?
Both interfaces are in the same IP subnet.
FastEthernet0/1 does not have a description.
There can be only one FastEthernet interface enabled on a router at one time.
The administrator did not exit to global configuration mode before configuring FastEthernet0/1
29. In an examination of two OSPF routers that fail to exchange information, it is determined that they have not become OSPF neighbors. Which two configuration values must match for the OSPF routers to become neighbors?
neighbor ID and router ID
dead time and hello time
OSPF area and neighbor ID
OSPF area and interface priority

30. Refer to the exhibit. Routers R1 and R3 use different routing protocols with default administrative distance values. All devices are properly configured and the destination network is advertised by both protocols. Which path will be used to transmit the data packets from PC1 to PC2?
The packets will travel via R2-R1.
The packets will travel via R2-R3.
The traffic will be load-balanced between two paths — via R2-R1 and via R2-R3.
The packets will travel via R2-R3, and the other path via R2-R1 will be retained as the backup path

31. Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator has run the following command on R1. R1(config)# ip route What is the result of running this command?
Traffic for network is forwarded to
This route is automatically propagated throughout the entire network.
Traffic for all networks is forwarded to
The command invokes a dynamic routing protocol for
32. Why is fast convergence desirable in networks that use dynamic routing protocols?
Hosts are unable to access their gateway until the network is converged.
Routers will not allow packets to be forwarded until the network is converged.
Routers may make incorrect forwarding decisions until the network has converged.
Routers will not allow configuration changes to be made until the network has converged
33. Which two statements about routing protocols are accurate? (Choose two.)
OSPF supports VLSM.
RIPv1 supports VLSM.
RIPv2 does not have a hop count limit.
EIGRP supports discontiguous network designs.
RIPv2 does not support discontiguous network designs

34. Refer to the exhibit. If the EIGRP routing protocol is used throughout the network, which IP address and mask prefix
should be sent by router R1 to the Edge router as a result of manual summarization of LANs A, B, C, and D?

35. Refer to the exhibit. Which solution provides the most efficient use of router resources for forwarding traffic between BR and HQ?
static routes

36. Refer to the exhibit. The network is configured with RIPv2. However, network administrators notice that communication cannot be successfully completed from one LAN to another. A network administrator issues the show ip route command on the HQ router. Based on the output, what should be done to correct the problem?
Disable the load balancing feature of RIPv2.
Issue the no auto-summary command for RIPv2.
Replace RIPv2 with EIGRP which supports VLSM.
Make sure that the network statements include the correct subnet mask
37. Which protocol is used by EIGRP to deliver and receive update packets?
38. Which multicast address does EIGRP use to send hello and updates packets?
39. A network administrator is using an application that is monitoring packets on the network and sees an EIGRP update packet. What is the purpose of the update packet?
The packet is sent to discover neighbors within the EIGRP network.
The packet is sent to search for network devices within an EIGRP network.
The packet is used to propagate routing information within the EIGRP network.
The packet is used to send an unreachable reply to another router within the EIGRP network.
The packet is used to notify all routers that EIRGP has failed on one of the routers within the EIGRP network

40. Refer to the exhibit. What OSPF network statements are required for the router B to advertise the three networks that are attached?
router ospf 1 network area 0
router ospf 1 network area 0 network area 0 network area 0
router ospf 1 network area 0 network area 0 network area 0
router ospf 1 network area 0 network area 0 network area 0

41. Refer to the exhibit. Why is the state of the serial0/0/0 interface administratively down?
An IP address has not been configured on the interface.
The WIC was installed into the incorrect slot on the router.
The default encapsulation on the interface has been modified.
The no shutdown command has not been executed on the interface
42. On a router, which three components are stored in RAM? (Choose three.)
POST code
the routing table
the running-configuration
the start-up configuration
the bootstrap instructions
a copy of the operating system

43. Refer to the exhibit. RouterA and RouterB cannot successfully exchange EIGRP routes. What is the problem?
The hello intervals do not match.
The autonomous system numbers do not match.
The no auto-summary command is missing from both routers.
The ip bandwidth-percent command is missing from RouterB

44. Refer to the exhibit. What is the purpose of the ip bandwidth-percent eigrp 50 10 command?
to limit the bandwidth EIGRP packets can use to 6.4 kb/s
to limit the bandwidth EIGRP packets can use to 10 kb/s
to limit the bandwidth EIGRP packets can use to 32 kb/s
to limit the bandwidth EIGRP packets can use to 50 kb/s
45. A network administrator adds the default-information originate command to the configuration of a router that uses RIP as the routing protocol. What will result from adding this command?
The router will be reset to the default factory information.
The router will not forward routing information that is learned from other routers.
The router will propagate a static default route in its RIP updates, if one is present.
The router will only forward packets that originate on directly connected networks
46. A network technician is configuring a Cisco 2811 router. The technician types conf at the privileged level command prompt and presses the TAB key. What action will the router take?
It will revert to the user mode.
It will perform an auto-complete function.
It will go into the global configuration mode.
It will give an error message that indicates a bad command was entered
47. What is a function of the console port on a router?
It is used to manage the router.
It is used for packet receiving and forwarding.
It is used to interconnect various types of LANs.
It is used to interconnect a variety of serial links including T1, DSL, and ISDN

48. Refer to the exhibit. Which route will be installed in the routing table on R1 to forward traffic from PC1 to the web server?
the static route
the route learned via OSPF
the route learned via EIGRP
both routes learned via OSPF and EIGRP

49. Refer to the exhibit. After the commands are entered, which password will be required to establish a Telnet session
with the router?


Final Exam 2012 v.1

CCNA 2 Final Exam 2012 v.1


1. Which of the following are required when adding a network to the OSPF routing process configuration?
network address
loopback address
autonomous system number
subnet mask
wildcard mask
area ID
2. Which of the following are primary functions of a router? (Choose two.)
packet switching
domain name resolution
path selection
flow control
CCNA2 Final Exam
3. Refer to the exhibit. When troubleshooting a network, it is important to interpret the output of various router commands. On the basis of the exhibit, which three statements are true? (Choose three.)
The missing information for Blank 1 is the command show ip route.
The missing information for Blank 1 is the command debug ip route.
The missing information for Blank 2 is the number 100.
The missing information for Blank 2 is the number 120.
The missing information for Blank 3 is the letter R.
The missing information for Blank 3 is the letter C.

CCNA2 Final Exam
4. Refer to the exhibit. Packets destined to which two networks will require the router to perform a recursive lookup? (Choose two.)

5. When would the network administrator use the ip bandwidth-percent eigrp as-number percent command?
when there is a low bandwidth connection
when the connection is on a shared medium
when the connection is serial instead of Ethernet
when the link is always busy
CCNA2 Final Exam
6. Refer to the exhibit. Cost for each path are shown. If all routers are configured to use OSPF, what would be the path of a packet sent from Router C to Router D if Router A was down?
7. What OSPF packet type is used to elect the designated router (DR) and backup designated router (BDR) on multiaccess networks?
CCNA2 Final Exam
8. Refer to the exhibit. The hosts on the R1 LAN are unable to access the Internet. What is incorrectly configured?
the IP address of the Fa0/0 interface at R1
the IP address of the S0/0/1 interface at R2
the IP address of the S0/0/0 interface at R1
the subnet mask of the S0/0/1 interface at R2
CCNA2 Final Exam
9. Refer to the exhibit. Which summarization should R1 use to advertise its networks to R2?
CCNA2 Final Exam
10. Refer to the exhibit. What are two of the routes added to the routing table of R1? (Choose two.)
R [120/1] via, 00:00:24, Serial0/0/0
R [120/1] via, 00:00:24, Serial0/0/1
R [120/1] via, 00:00:24, Serial0/0/0
R [120/1] via, 00:00:24, Serial0/0/0
R [120/1] via, 00:00:24, Serial0/0/0
11. A router boots and enters setup mode. What is the reason for this?
The IOS image is corrupt.
Cisco IOS is missing from flash memory.
The configuration file is missing from NVRAM.
The POST process has detected hardware failure.
CCNA2 Final Exam
12. Refer to the exhibit. A router learns a route to the network, as shown in the output of the show ip rip database command. However, upon running the show ip route command, the network administrator sees that the router has installed a different route to the network learned via EIGRP. What could be the reason for the missing RIP route?
Compared to RIP, EIGRP has a lower administrative distance.
Compared to EIGRP, RIP has a higher metric value for the route.
Compared to RIP, the EIGRP route has fewer hops.
Compared to RIP, EIGRP has a faster update timer.
13. All routers in a network are configured in a single OSPF area with the same priority value. No loopback interface has been set on any of the routers. Which secondary value will the routers use to determine the router ID?
The highest MAC address among the active interfaces of the network will be used.
There will be no router ID until a loopback interface is configured.
The highest IP address among the active FastEthernet interfaces that are running OSPF will be used.
The highest IP address among the active interfaces will be used.

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14. Refer to the exhibit. Routers R1 and R2 are directly connected via their serial interfaces and are both running the EIGRP routing protocol. R1 and R2 can ping the directly connected serial interface of their neighbor, but they cannot form an EIGRP neighbor adjacency.
What action should be taken to solve this problem?
Enable the serial interfaces of both routers.
Configure EIGRP to send periodic updates.
Configure the same hello interval between the routers.
Configure both routers with the same EIGRP process ID.

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15. Refer to the exhibit. The interfaces of all routers are configured for OSPF area 0. R3 can ping R1, but the two routers are unable to establish a neighbor adjacency. What should the network administrator do to troubleshoot this problem?
Check if the interfaces of the routers are enabled.
Check the hello and dead intervals between the routers.
Check the process ID of both routers.
Check if CDP is enabled on all the routers.
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16. Refer to the exhibit. The hosts that are connected to R2 are unable to ping the hosts that are connected to R1. How can this problem be resolved?
Configure the router ID on both routers.
Configure the R2 router interfaces for area 0.
Configure a loopback interface on both routers.
Configure the proper subnet masks on the router interfaces.
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17. Refer to the exhibit. The command ip route S0/0/0 is run on router R2. What are the two results of this command? (Choose two.)
A static route will be updated in the routing table.
The traffic from the Internet will be directed to R2.
The traffic from the source network will be blocked.
The route will be specified as the default route for all networks not defined in the routing table.
All the broadcasts will be forwarded via the S0/0/0 interface of R2.
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18. Refer to the exhibit. All routers are properly configured with default configurations and are running the OSPF routing protocol. The network is fully converged. A host on the network is communicating with a host on the network.Which path will be used to transmit the data?
The data will be transmitted via R3-R2.
The data will be transmitted via R3-R1-R2.
The traffic will be load-balanced between two paths — one via R3-R2, and the other via R3-R1-R2.
The data will be transmitted via R3-R2, and the other path via R3-R1-R2 will be retained as the backup path.
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19. Refer to the exhibit. What is the meaning of the highlighted value 120?
It is the metric that is calculated by the routing protocol.
It is the value that is used by the DUAL algorithm to determine the bandwidth for the link.
It is the administrative distance of the routing protocol.
It is the hold-down time, measured in seconds, before the next update.
20. In a complex lab test environment, a router has discovered four paths to via the use of the RIP routing process. Which route will be installed in the routing table after the discovery of all four paths?
R [120/3] via, 00:00:17, Serial0/1/0
R [120/2] via, 00:00:17, Serial0/0/0
R [120/1] via, 00:00:17, Serial0/0/1
R [120/4] via, 00:00:17, Serial0/1/1
CCNA2 Final Exam
21. Refer to the exhibit. PC1 is unable to access the Internet. What is the cause of the problem?
An incorrect IP address is configured between the two routers.
No static route is configured on Router2.
A routing loop has occurred.
No routing protocol is configured on either of the two routers.
22. How does route poisoning prevent routing loops?
New routing updates are ignored until the network has converged.
Failed routes are advertised with a metric of infinity.
A route is marked as unavailable when its Time to Live is exceeded.
The unreachable route is cleared from the routing table after the invalid timer expires.
23. Which statement is true about the metrics used by routing protocols?
A metric is a value used by a particular routing protocol to compare paths to remote networks.
A common metric is used by all routing protocols.
The metric with the highest value is installed in the routing table.
The router may use only one parameter at a time to calculate the metric.
24. Which statement correctly describes a feature of RIP?
RIP is a link-state routing protocol.
RIP uses only one metric—hop count— for path selection.
Advertised routes with hop counts greater than 10 are unreachable.
Messages are broadcast every 10 seconds.
CCNA2 Final Exam
25. Refer to the exhibit. OSPF is used for the routing protocol and all interfaces are configured with the correct IP addresses and subnet masks. During testing, it is found that router R1 is unable to form an adjacency with R2. What is the cause of this problem?
Both routers have been configured with incorrect router IDs.
Both routers have been configured in different OSPF areas.
Both routers have been configured with an incorrect network type.
Both routers have been configured with different hello and dead intervals.

26. A network administrator is in charge of two separate networks that share a single building. What device will be required to connect the two networks and add a common connection to the Internet that can be shared?
access point
Ethernet switch
27. Which network and mask combination requires the use of a classless addressing solution?
28. A company is using static routes that are configured with an administrative distance of “1” on all routers in the network. The network administrator decides to introduce a dynamic routing protocol to reduce the manual configurations for the static routes. Which option identifies the correct procedure for the dynamic routing to take place in the network?
The static routes and the dynamic routes will have the traffic alternate between them.
The static routes will be automatically removed once the dynamic routing is configured.
The static routes will be automatically updated with the next hop IP address once the dynamic routing is configured.
The static routes must be manually removed from all routers in order for the dynamic routes to be installed in the routing table.

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29. Refer to the exhibit. Based on the partial output in the exhibit, why can users establish a console connection to this router without entering a password?
The login command was not entered on the console line.
The enable password should be an enable secret password.
No username and password combination has been configured.
Console connections cannot be configured to require users to provide passwords.
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30. Refer to the exhibit. When a static IP address is being configured on the host, what address should be used for the default gateway?

CCNA2 Final Exam
31. Refer to the exhibit. The entire network has been allocated to address hosts in the diagram. Utilizing VLSM with contiguous address blocks, which set of addresses and prefixes could be used to create an addressing solution with a minimum waste of IP addresses?
Correct answer is image 4.

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32.  Refer to the exhibit. The network is configured for OSPF routing with default settings. The bandwidths have been configured correctly for each link. If the T1 link between router A and router E fails, what path will a packet from router A take to reach the LAN attached to router F when the network has converged?
A, B, C, F
A, B, C, E, F
A, D, G, E, F
A, D, G, H, F
33. Which candidate route has the longest match for a packet with a destination address of
CCNA2 Final Exam
34. Refer to the exhibit. The network is configured with RIPv2. However, network administrators notice that communication cannot be successfully completed from one LAN to another. A network administrator issues the show ip route command on the HQ router. Based on the output, what should be done to correct the problem?
Disable the load balancing feature of RIPv2.
Issue the no auto-summary command for RIPv2.
Replace RIPv2 with EIGRP which supports VLSM.
Make sure that the network statements include the correct subnet mask.
35. Which multicast address does EIGRP use to send hello and updates packets?

CCNA2 Final Exam
36. Refer to the exhibit. Why is the state of the serial0/0/0 interface administratively down?
An IP address has not been configured on the interface.
The WIC was installed into the incorrect slot on the router.
The default encapsulation on the interface has been modified.
The no shutdown command has not been executed on the interface.

CCNA2 Final Exam
37. Refer to the exhibit. How was the OSPF default gateway entry for R2 determined?
Default routes are automatically injected by OSPF into all advertisements.
A static default gateway route is defined in the configuration of R2.
The default-information originate command is applied on R1.
The ISP defines the gateway of last resort and automatically passes it to R1 and R2.
The ip default-gateway command is applied on R2.
CCNA2 Final Exam
38. Refer to the exhibit. RIPv1 has been properly configured on all routers in the network. However, users on LAN2 have intermittent connectivity with the users on LAN1 and LAN3. What is the cause of the problem?
Both LAN networks are separated from router R2 with a variably subnetted Class C network
Neither router R1 nor router R3 has a static route configured that points to the variably subnetted networks.
Both routers R1 and R3 are sending the summarized network to R2 in their RIPv1 routing updates.
Both networks and are configured with a subnet mask different from the default classful mask.
39. Which default EIGRP configuration must be modified to allow an EIGRP router to advertise subnets that are configured with VLSM?
split horizon
metric K values
hello and dead intervals
40. What is a successor for a destination network in an EIGRP network?
the next hop on a backup route with the largest feasible distance to the destination
the next hop on a backup route with the smallest feasible distance to the destination
the next hop on the primary route with the largest feasible distance to the destination
the next hop on the primary route with the smallest feasible distance to the destination

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41. Refer to the exhibit. Which route will be removed from the routing table if manual EIGRP summarization is disabled on the Serial0/0/0 interface of Router3?
42. Which port can be used for initial router configuration?
vty 0
43. Which two link-state routing protocol challenges does OSPF resolve through the election of a DR? (Choose two.)
the extensive flooding of LSAs throughout the OSPF area
the excessive adjacencies when the number of routers increases
the requirement for link-state database updates to be propagated between OSPF areas
the heavy CPU load that is imposed because each router must compute shortest paths by using the SPF algorithm
the requirement for each router to build a topological database of the internetwork to determine the shortest paths between networks
44. A routing table shows an EIGRP route to with a metric of 301440. What other term also describes this EIGRP metric value?
feasible distance
reported distance
feasible successor
feasibility condition
CCNA2 Final Exam
45. Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator has run the following command on R1.
R1(config)# ip route
What is the result of running this command?
Traffic for network is forwarded to
This route is automatically propagated throughout the entire network.
Traffic for all networks is forwarded to
The command invokes a dynamic routing protocol for
CCNA2 Final Exam
46. Refer to the exhibit. What will happen if interface Serial0/0/1 goes down on Router1?
The Dijkstra algorithm will calculate the feasible successor.
DUAL will query neighbors for a route to network
Neighbor will be promoted to the feasible successor.
Traffic destined to the network will be dropped immediately due to lack of a feasible successor.
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47. Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator is accessing router R1 from the console port. Once the administrator is connected to the router, which password should the administrator enter at the R1> prompt to access the privileged EXEC mode?
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48. Refer to the exhibit. Which option will provide the configuration that is needed for router R1 to dynamically learn routes to the,, and subnetworks?
with static routes
with a routed protocol
with a routing protocol
with directly connected routes
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49. Refer to the exhibit. What will happen when the router reloads?
It will boot into ROMMON mode.
It will ignore the start-up configuration file.
It will look for the start-up configuration file on the TFTP server.
It will attempt to load the start-up configuration file that is stored in NVRAM.
50. On a router, which actions can be performed in user mode?
perform password recovery
make global configuration changes
view status of various router functions
make changes to a specified interface