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Sabtu, 16 Februari 2013

Sejarah Multimedia

Salam Sejahtera  ^_^

Saya mau sharing tentang Sejarah Multimedia yang cukup penting menurut saya monggo 

·         Istilah multimedia berawal dari teater, bukan computer. Pertunjukan yang memanfaatkan lebih dari satu medium seringkali disebut pertunjukan multimedia.
·         Sistem multimedia dimulai pada akhir 1980-an dengan diperkenalkannya Hypercard oleh Apple pada tahun 1987 dan pengumuman oleh IBM pada tahun 1989 mengenai perangkat lunak audio visual connection(AVC) dan video adhapter card ps/2
·         Pada tahun 1994 diperkerkirakan ada lebih dari 700 produk dan sistem multimedia dipasaran.
·         Multimedia memungkinkan pemakai komputer untuk mendapatkan output dalam bentuk yang jauh lebih kaya dari pada media table dan grafik konvensional. pemakai dapat melihat gambar tiga dimensi, foto, video bergerak atau animasi dan mendengar suara stereo, perekaman suara atau alat musik.
·         Beberapa sistem multimedia bersifat interaktif, memungkinkan pemakai memilih output dengan mouse atau kemampuan layar sentuh untuk mendapatkan dan menjalankan aplikasi itu.
Pengertian multimedia
Ø  Multi-banyak, Media-sarana berkomunikasi untuk melewatkan informasi.
Ø  Suatu sistem yang terdiri dari perangkat keras, perangkat lunak dan alat – alat lain seperti televisi, monitor video dan sistem piringan optik atau sistem stereo yang dimaksudkan untuk menghasilkan penyajian audio visual yang utuh.
Beberapa pakar mengartikan multimedia sebagai berikut :
Multimedia secara umum merupakan kombinasi 3 element yaitu suara,gambar dan teks (Mc Cormick,1996)
Multimedia adalah kombinasi dari paling sedikit 2 media input atau output dari data,media ini dapat audio (suara, musik), animasi, video, teks, grafik, dan gambar (Turban dkk, 2002)
Multimedia merupakan alat yang dapat menciptakan prestasi yang dinamis dan intraktif yang mengkombinasikan teks grafik, animasi, audio dan gambar video (Robin dan Linda, 2001)
Multimedia adalah pemanfaatan computer untuk membuat dan menggabungkan teks, grafik, audio, gambar bergerak (video dan animasi) dengan menggabungkan link dan tool yang memungkinkan pemakai melakukan navigasi, berintraksi, berkreasi dan berkomunikasi (Hofstetter, 2001)
“ Multimedia adalah pemanfaatan komputer untuk membuat dan menggabungkan teks, grafik, audio, gambar bergerak (video dan animasi) dengan menggabungkan link dan tool yang memungkinkan pemakai melakukan navigasi, berinteraksi, berkreasi, dan berkomunikasi “
Kelebihan Multimedia
Dari berbagai media informasi, multimedia memilki suatu kelebihan tersendiri yang tidak dapat digantikan oleh penyajian media informasi lainya.
Kelebihan dari multimedia adalah menarik indra dan menarik minat, karena merupakan gabungan antara pandangan,suara dan gerakan.
Lembaga riset dan penerbitan komputer yaitu Computer Technology Research (CTR) menyatakan bahwa orang hanya mampu mengingat 20 %  dari yang dilihat  dan 30 % dari yang didengar. Tetapi orang mengingat 50 %  dari yang dilihat dan didengar dan 80 % dari yang dilihat, didengar dan dilakukan sekaligus. 
Komponen Multimedia
Menurut James A. Senn, multimedia terbagi dalam beberapa element-element multimedia sebagai berikut :

a.       Teks
Bentuk data multimedia yang paling mudah disimpan dan dikendalikan adalah teks. Teks dapat membentuk kata, surat atau narasi dalam multimedia yang menyajikan bahasa. Kebutuhan teks bergantung kepada penggunaan aplikasi multimedia.

b.      Image (grafik)
Alasan untuk menggunakan gambar dalam presentasi atau publikasi multimedia adalah karena lebih menarik perhatian dan dapat mengurangi kebosanan dibandingkan dengan teks. Gambar dapat meringkas menyajikan data yang kompleks dengan cara yang baru dan lebih berguna. Gambar juga dapat berfungsi sebagai ikon, yang bila dipadukan dengan teks, merupakan opsi yang bisa dipilih.
c.       Bunyi (audio)
PC multimedia tanpa bunyi hanya disebut unimedia, bukan multimedia. Bunyi dapat ditambahkan dalam multimedia melalui suara, musik dan efek-efek suara. Seperti halnya grafis, dapat membeli ataupun menciptakan sendiri.
d.      Video
Video menyediakan sumberdaya yang kaya dan hidup bagi aplikasi multimedia.
e.       Animasi
Dalam multimedia, animasi merupakan penggunaan komputer untuk menciptakan gerak pada layer.

f.       Virtual Reality
Virtual reality merupakan penggunaan multimedia untuk penerapan secara langsung.
NTSC System
NTSC (National Television System Committee) merupakan sistem milik Amerika Serikat dengan lebar layar 525 baris,  digunakan di negara Kanada, Greenland, Mexico, Kuba, Jepang, Philipina, Puerto Rico dan beberapa negara di Amerika Selatan.
Resolution :     NTSC              640 X 480
                        NTSC DV       720 X 480
                        NTSC WideScreen  720 X 480
                        NTSC D1        720 X 486
                        NTSC Square Pix   720 X 540
Frame Rate      : 30 fps
PAL dan SECAM System
Banyak negara yang menggunakan kedua sistem ini yakni PAL (Phase Alternating Line) atau SECAM (Sequential Color and Memory). Kedua sistem ini memiliki lebar layar 625 baris
Resolution       : PAL D1/DV                                     : 720 X 576
                          PAL D1/DV Square Pix       : 768 X 576
                          PAL D1/DV             WideScreen     : 720 X 576
Frame Rate      : 25 fps
HDTV (High Definition Television) adalah standar internasional baru untuk dunia televisi. HDTV dapat digunakan dalam 1.125 baris.
Resolution  1280 X 720
Frame Rate 29.9 Fps
Software Multimedia
Software Multimedia
  1. Viewing       : Untuk melihat hasil pemgolahan multimedia (Winamp, power DVD)
2.    Capturing   : Untuk mendapatkan hasil rekaman yang didapat melalui device multimedia. (software scanner, capture, camdig)
  1. Editing        : Untuk mengolah bahan multimedia menjadi senuah sajian (adobe)
  2. Authoring    : Software Multimedia untuk keperluan interaktif (director, flash)
Semoga Bermanfaat ^_^

Rabu, 13 Februari 2013

Tutorial Belajar, Panduan, Sintak dan Printeh SQL

SQL merupakan singkatan dari Strukture Query Language. Yaitu sebuah bahasa yang digunakan untuk mengakses data – data yg tersimpan pada sebuah database. Pengguan SQL dapat dengan bermacam – macam cara, baik dengan penggunaan manual (embedded) atau dengan cara interaktif.

Secara umum SQL hanya memiliki 3 komponen penting, yg digunakan untuk mendefinisikan, memanipulasi serta sebagai pengontrol data yg ada pada sebuah database.
Tutorial Belajar SQL - Panduan SQL - Sintak SQL adalah sebagai berikut:

Data Definisi Language (DDL)
DDL merupakan bahasa atau perintah yg digunakan untuk mendefinisikan data seperti menulis, menghapus dan mengatur atau mengubah data.

Perintah – perintah yang ada pada komponen DDL yaitu CREATE, DROP, dan ALTER.

Create digunakan untuk membuat database, membuat tabel, membuat view dan membuat index.

Membuat database
Create database namadatabase

Membuat tabel lengkap dengan kolomnya

Create table namatabel
(namakolom1 typedata1,
namakolom2 typedata2,
namakolom3 typedata3)

Type data dapat berupa char(), int, numerik dan sebagainya sesuai denga nama kolom.

Membuat view
view merupakan bentuk alternatif penyajian data dari satu tabel atau lebih, beberapa tujuan membuat view adalah meningkatkan keamanan data serta penyederhanaan bagi para pengguna.
Create view namaview (kolom1, kolom2, . . . .)
as select statement from namatabel
[with check option]

Keterangan :
Namaview : nama view yang dibuat
Column : nama atribut untuk view
Statement : atribut yang dipilih dari tabel database
Namatabel : nama tabel yang ada pada basis data

Membuat index
yaitu berfungsi untuk membuat index

create [unique] index namaindex
on namatabel (namakolom)

Drop adalah perintah yang di gunakan untuk menghapus data – data yang telah di simpan pada database.

Drop tabel
yaitu menghapus tabel

Drop table namatabel

Drop view
menghapus view yang telah di buat

Drop view namaview

Drop index
Menghapus index

Drop index namaindex

hal yang perlu di ingat adalah penghapusan atau penggunaan perintah view tidak dapat di urungkan.

kegunaan dari perintah alter adalah untuk merubah atribut pada suatu tabel

Alter table namatabel
Modify (namakolom typekolom) untuk mengganti type kolom dan nama kolom.

alter table namatabel
add (namakolom type kolom[[before, namakolom]]) menambah kolom.

alter table namatabel
drop (namakolom typekolom) untuk menghapus kolom pada sebuah tabel.

Data Manipulation Language (DML)
insert berfungsi untuk menambah niali pada suatu tabel.

Contoh sintak
insert into namatabel values (‘value1’, ‘value2’,’ ...’)

keterangan : value adalah nilai yang ingin dimasukkan ke dalam kolom
Berfungsi untuk merubah record atau nilai didalam suatu kolom

Contoh sintak
Update namatabel SET namakolom = recordbaru where kondisi

keterangan recordbaru di ubah sesuai dengan nama nilai baru yang akan di ubah
Menghapus record atau nilai didalam suatu kolom pada tabel tertentu

DELETE namakolom from namatabel where kondisi

select adalah perintah yang di gunakan untuk menampilkan nilai atau recor yang di pilih

select namakolom from namatabel

Data Control Language (DCL)
grant berfungsi untuk memberikan izin akses kepada pengguna

Grant privilages on namatabel to namapengguna

artinya memebrikan izin akses kepada namapengguna
yaitu untuk mencabut izin akses kepada pengguna yang telah di beri izin akses

REVOKE privileges ON namatabel from namapengguna

Macam – macam fungsi pada_SQL
Tanda *
digunakan untuk memilih semua isi tabel

select * from namatabel
berfungsi untuk menentukan suatu pilihan atau kondisi tertentu

select * from namatabel where namakolom = “kondisi”

digunakan untuk menghilangakan nilai ganda pada suatu kolom atau tabel

select distinct namakolom from namatabel
Operator AND
digunakan untuk memilih nilai yang memiliki kondisi sama antara kondisi1 dan kondisi2
contoh sintak
select * from namatabel where kondisi1=’..’ AND kondisi2 = ‘...’
Operator OR
digunakan untuk memilih suatu tabel atau kolom dan menampilkan nilai jika salah satu kondisi  dari kondisi yang di tentukan memenuhi

select * from namatabel where kondisi1=’..’ OR kondisi2 = ‘...’
Fungsi NOT
di gunakan untuk memilih suatu nilai pada tabel atau kolom yang tidak sama dengan kondisi yang telah di tentukan

selesct * from namatabel where namakolom not = ‘kondisi’
digunakan untuk memilih suatu nilai dari tabel atau kolom dan mengurutkan data tersebut

select namakolom from nama tabel
where namakolom = ‘kondisi’
order by namakolompengurut desc/asc

keterangan : namakolompengurut adalah dasar pengurutan
berfungsi untuk menelompokkan suatu data, namun pada pada fungsi ini juga biasanya paling banyak melibatkan operator pembanding dan fungsi perhitungan

select namakkolom from namatabel
group by namakolomyangakandikelompokkan
having count namakolom >4

keterangan having count adalah fungsi yang digunakan untuk mendukung fungsi group by.
fungsi between digunakan untuk memilih nilai di antara kondisi yang di tentukan
select * from namatabel where ‘kondisi’ between ‘kondisi’ – ‘kondisi’
a.    Count untuk mengitung jumlah baris atau kolom
b.    Sum di gunakan untuk menjumlahkan suatu nilai yag memiliki type data numerik
c.    Avg berfungsi untuk membuat nilai rata – rata
d.    Max berfungsi untuk mencari nilai terbesar dan
e.    Min untuk mencri nilai terkecil

Contoh sintak
select avg namakolom from namatabel
Fungsi JOIN
yaitu bentuk kondisi join dimana di antara 2 atau lebih tabel yang ingin di join memiliki hubungan sehingga semua isi tabel yang di pilih bisa di tampilkan

select * from namatabel1 inner join namatabel2
where namatabel1.kondisisama = namatabel1. kondisisama
adalah kondisi join yang tidak menagndung opertor sama dengan (=)

select * from namatabel1 inner join namatabel2
where namatabel1.kondisisama and namatabel1. kondisisama
yaitu bentuk nilai join yang memenuhi daari kedua  tabel, Outer join terdiri dari 2 yaitu,
yaitu di tandai dengan operator (+), tabel asal atau yang memiliki tanda (+) akan dilengkapi dengan tabel yang lainnya dan berada pada sebelah kiri.

Contoh sintak
select tabel1.kolom, tabel2.kolom
from tabel1, tabel2
where tabel1.kolom (+) = tabel2.kolom


select tabel1.kolom, tabel2.kolom
from tabel1 left outer join tabel2
on tabel1.kolom = tabel2.kolom
Sama dengan left outer join namun peletakan data atai nilai dari tabel lain berada pada sebelah kanan tabel asal.

Contoh sintak
select tabel1.kolom, tabel2.kolom
from tabel1, tabel2
where tabel1.kolom = tabel2.kolom(+)


select tabel1.kolom, tabel2.kolom
from tabel1 right outer join tabel2
on tabel1.kolom = tabel2.kolom

Self join adalah suatu bentuk kondisi join tau penggabungan yang terjadi pada dua tabel yg sama kondisinya dari kedua tabel tersebut dan menambahkan suatu kata dengan kondisi yang sama antara kedua tabel

Contoh sintak
Select tabel1.namakolom ||’ works for’ || tabel2.namakolom
from namatabel1, namatabel2
where namatabel1.kolompersmaantabel1 = namakolom2.kolompersamaantabel2

misalkan akan menghasilkan

rola works for hengki

Rola adalah kondisi yang dipilih pada tabel1
Hengki adalah kondisi dipilih pada tabel2
works for adalah kata yang di tambah dari perintah di atas.

Semoga bermanfaat ^_^

Jumat, 08 Februari 2013

CCNA 2 Chapter 11 2011 V4.0 Answers 100%

CCNA 2 Chapter 11 2011 V4.0 Answers 100%

Refer to the exhibit. All routers are running OSPF. What cost would JAX put in its routing table for the network?

Refer to the exhibit. Router1 and Router2 are running OSPF. The show ip ospf neighbor command reveals no neighbors. What is a possible cause?
OSPF autonomous system IDs do not match.
OSPF process IDs do not match.
OSPF network types are identical.
OSPF hello or dead timers do not match.

3. A fully converged five router OSPF network has been running successfully for several weeks. All configurations have been saved and no static routes are used. If one router looses power and reboots, what information will be in its routing table after the configuration file is loaded but before OSPF has converged?
All routes for the entire network will be present.
Directly connected networks that are operational will be in the routing table.
Because the SPF algorithm has not completed all calculations, no routes will be in the table.
A summary route for all previously learned routes will automatically appear in the routing table until all LSPs have been received by the router.

Refer to the exhibit. What configuration statements would give the results that are shown in the output of the show ip protocols command?
B(config)# int fa0/0
B(config-if)# router-id
B(config)# int lo0
B(config-if)# ip address
B(config)# router ospf 1
B(config-router)# router-id

B (config)# router ospf 1
B(config-router)# ip address

Refer to the exhibit. When OSPF is operational in the exhibited network, what neighbor relationship is developed between Router1 and Router2?
A FULL adjacency is formed.
A 2WAY adjacency is formed.
Router2 will become the DR and Router1 will become the BDR.
Both routers will become DROTHERS.
6. What does OSPF use to calculate the cost to a destination network?
bandwidth and hop count
bandwidth and reliability
bandwidth, load, and reliablity

Refer to the exhibit. The routers in the exhibit are using default OSPF configuration settings to advertise all attached networks. If all of the routers start at the same time, what will be the result of the DR and BDR elections for this single area OSPF network? (Choose three.)
HQ will be DR for
Router A will be DR for
HQ will be BDR for
Router A will be DR for
Remote will be DR for
Remote will be BDR for
8. What does OSPF use to reduce the number of exchanges of routing information in networks where large numbers of neighbors are present? (Choose two.)
root router
backup root router
domain router
backup domain router
designated router
backup designated router

Refer to the exhibit. All routers have been configured with the interface priorities that are shown. All routers were restarted simultaneously. The results of the DR/BDR election are shown. What can be concluded about this network?
Router C cannot win a DR election under any circumstances.
If the link for interface goes down, router B will become the new DR.
The highest router ID was most likely determined via an OSPF router-id statement or statements.
If a new router is added with a higher router ID than router D, it will become the DR.

Refer to the exhibit. Router A is correctly configured for OSPF. Which OSPF configuration statement or set of statements was entered for router B to generate the exhibited routing table?
B(config-router)# network area 0
B(config-router)# network area 0
B(config-router)# network area 0
B(config-router)# network area 0
B(config-router)# network area 0

Refer to the exhibit. Assuming that the routers have default interface OSPF priorities and no configured loopback interfaces, what two roles will router B play on each network segment? (Choose two.)
DR for network
BDR for network
DR for network
BDR for network
DROTHER on network

Refer to the exhibit. Routers A, B, C, and D are all running OSPF with default router IDs and OSPF interface priorities. Loopback interfaces are not configured and all interfaces are operational. Router D is the DR and router C is the BDR. What happens immediately after the following commands are entered on router A?
A(config)# interface fa0/0
A(config-if)# ip ospf priority 255
A will become the DR. D will become the BDR.
A will become the DR. C will remain the BDR.
D will remain the DR. A will become the BDR.
D will remain the DR. C will remain the BDR.
13. What range of networks will be advertised in the OSPF updates by the command Router1(config-router)# network area 100? through through through through through

Refer to the exhibit. RouterA, RouterB, and RouterC in the diagram are running OSPF on their Ethernet interfaces. Router D was just added to the network. Routers are configured with the loopback interfaces (Lo 0) that are shown in the exhibit. What happens to the OSPF DR/BDR after RouterD is added to the network?
RouterB takes over as DR and RouterD becomes the BDR.
RouterD becomes the BDR and RouterA remains the DR.
RouterD becomes the DR and RouterA becomes the BDR.
RouterC acts as the DR until the election process is complete.
RouterD becomes the DR and RouterB remains the BDR.
There is no change in the DR or BDR until either current DR or BDR goes down.

Refer to the exhibit. How many OSPF adjacencies must be formed to build the complete topology if a DR or BDR were not elected in this OSPF network?
16. What is the default administrative distance for OSPF?

Refer to the exhibit. Which command sequence on RouterB will redistribute a gateway of last resort to the other routers in OSPF area 0?
RouterB(config)# router ospf 10 RouterB(config-router)# gateway-of-last-resort
RouterB(config)# ip route serial 0/0/0
RouterB(config)# ip route
RouterB(config)# router ospf 10
RouterB(config-router)# default-information originate

RouterB(config)# router ospf 10
RouterB(config-router)# default-network area 0
RouterB(config)# ip route
RouterB(config)# ip default-route
RouterB(config)# router ospf 10
RouterB(config-router)# redistribute ip default-route
18. Which two statements describe the use of OSPF DR/BDR elections? (Choose two.)
Elections are always optional.
Elections are required in all WAN networks.
Elections are required in point-to-point networks.
Elections are required in broadcast multiaccess networks.
Elections are sometimes required in NBMA networks.

Refer to the exhibit. What does the “2″ stand for in the router ospf 2 statement?
The number 2 is the autonomous system number.
The number 2 indicates the number of networks advertised by OSPF.
The number 2 identifies this particular instance of OSPF on this router.
The number 2 indicates the priority of the OSPF process on this router.

Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator wants to set the router ID of Router1 to What steps can the administrator take to accomplish this?
shut down the loop back interface
use the OSPF router-id command
use the clear ip ospf process command
nothing, the router-id of Router1 is already
Refer to the exhibit. What must be received between neighbors to prevent the dead time that is shown in the exhibit from reaching zero?
any traffic through the router interfaces
routing database updates
hello packets
BPDU packets

Refer to the exhibit. What does the “O*E2″ from the “O*E2 [110/1] via, 00:05:34, Serial0/0″ line represent?
an internal type 2 OSPF route.
an external OSPF route at least two hops away.
an external OSPF route from two different sources.
an external OSPF route that will not increment in cost.
a default route.
The route was distributed into OSPF from a type 2 router.

Refer to the exhibit. Which network command or set of commands will cause OSPF to be enabled for any R1 interface connected to the exhibited subnets?
R1(config-router)# network area 0
R1(config-router)# network area 0 R1(config-router)# network area 0 R1(config-router)# network area 0
R1(config-router)# network area 0
R1(config-router)# network area 0
R1(config-router)# network area 0

Refer to the exhibit. What is the cost of the route to the network?
25. What three parameters must be indentical between OSPF routers in order to form an adjacency? (Choose three.)
area id
metric value
hello interval
network type
interface type

CCNA 2 Chapter 10 2011 V4.0 Answers 100%

CCNA 2 Chapter 10 2011 V4.0 Answers 100%
1. What action does a link-state router take immediately upon receipt of an LSP from a neighboring router?
floods the LSP to neighbors
calculates the SPF algorithm
runs the Bellman-Ford algorithm
computes the best path to the destination network
2. Why is it difficult for routing loops to occur in networks that use link-state routing?
Each router builds a simple view of the network based on hop count.
Routers flood the network with LSAs to discover routing loops.
Each router builds a complete and synchronized view of the network.
Routers use hold-down timers to prevent routing loops.


Refer to the exhibit. What kind of information would be seen in an LSP sent from router JAX to router ATL?
hop count
uptime of the route
cost of the link
a list of all the routing protocols in use
4. To achieve network convergence, what three steps does each link state router take? (Choose three.)
use automatic summarization to reduce the size of routing tables
build a Link State Packet (LSP) containing the state of each directly connected link
flood the LSP to all neighbors, who then store all LSPs received in a database
discover neighbors and establish adjacencies using the hello packet sent at regular intervals
construct a complete map of the topology and compute the best path to each destination network
use the DUAL FSM to select efficient, loop-free paths, and insert routes into the routing table

Refer to the exhibit. When Router D is configured to use a link-state routing protocol and is added to the network, what is the first thing that it does to begin learning the network topology?
It sends LSP packets to Routers B and C.
It sends LSP packets to all routers in the network.
It sends Hello packets to all routers in the network.
It sends information about its directly connected neighbors to Routers A and E.
It sends information about its directly connected neighbors to all routers in the network.
It learns about its directly connected networks when its interfaces reach the up state.
6. A new network administrator is given the task of selecting an appropriate dynamic routing protocol for a software development company. The company has over 100 routers, uses CIDR and VLSM, requires fast convergence, and uses both Cisco and non-Cisco equipment. Which routing protocol is appropriate for this company?
RIP version 2
7. What two events will cause a link state router to send LSPs to all neighbors? (Choose two.)
30 second timer expires
whenever the network topology changes
immediately after the Bellman-Ford algorithm has run
immediately after the DUAL FSM has built the topology database
upon initial startup of router or routing protocol
8. What is the final step in the link state routing process?
successors are placed into the routing table
SPF computes best path to each destination network
LSPs are flooded to all neighbors to converge the network
DUAL algorithm is run to find best path to destination networks

Refer to the exhibit. What does JAX do with link-state packets from ORL?
sends out its updated routing table to both ORL and BOS routers
sends out the individual link-state packets out the interface connected to BOS
queries BOS to see if it has a better route
only adds it to the local routing table and performs no other actions
10. What two statements correctly describe the link state routing process? (Choose two.)
each router in the area floods LSPs to all neighbors
all routers in the area have identical link state databases
LSPs use the reserved multicast address of to reach neighbors
routing loops are prevented by running the Diffusing Update Algorithm (DUAL)
Reliable Transport Protocol (RTP) is the protocol used by for the delivery and reception of LSPs
11. Which database or table must be identical on all link-state routers within an area in order to construct an accurate SPF tree?
routing table
adjacency table
link-state database
neighbor table
topology database

Refer to the exhibit. Which statement correctly describes the path traffic would take from the network to the network if a link-state routing protocol was in use?
BOS -> ATL because this path is the least hops
BOS -> ATL because this path is highest cost
BOS -> ORL -> JAX -> ATL because this path is the lowest cost
traffic would load balance across all links
13. What feature do modern link-state protocols provide to minimize processing and memory requirements?
splitting routing topologies into smaller areas
assigning lower process priorities to route calculations
using update timers to restrict routing updates
strict split horizon rules to reduce routing table entries
14. What speeds up convergence in a network using link-state routing?
updates triggered by network changes
updates sent at regular intervals
updates sent only to directly connected neighbors
updates that include complete routing tables
15. Which algorithm is run by link-state routing protocols to calculate the shortest path to destination networks?
16. What are some of the advantages of using a link-state routing protocol instead of a distance vector routing protocol? (Choose two.)
The topology database eliminates the need for a routing table.
Frequent periodic updates are sent to minimize the number of incorrect routes in the topological database.
Routers have direct knowledge of all links in the network and how they are connected.
After the inital LSA flooding, they generally require less bandwidth to communicate changes in a topology.
Link-state protocols require less router processor power than distance vector protocols.

Refer to the exhibit. If all routers and interfaces are configured to use a link-state routing protocol, from which routers will router D receive hello packets?
A and E
B and C
A, B, C, and E
C only
18. Which two routing protocols use Dijkstra’s shortest path first algorithm? (Choose two.)
19. When are link-state packets sent to neighbors?
every 30 seconds
every 180 seconds
after the holddown time expires
when a link goes up or down
when a routing loop occurs
20. What are two advantages of using a link-state routing protocol instead of a distance vector routing protocol? (Choose two.)
The topology database eliminates the need for a routing table.
Each router independently determines the route to each network.
Link-state protocols require less router processor power than distance vector protocols.
After the inital LSP flooding, they generally require less bandwidth to communicate changes in a topology.
Frequent periodic updates are sent to minimize the number of incorrect routes in the topological database.
21. To achieve network convergence, what three steps does each link state router take? (Choose three.)
use automatic summarization to reduce the size of routing tables
build a Link State Packet (LSP) containing the state of each directly connected link
flood the LSP to all neighbors, who then store all LSPs received in a database
send hello packages at regular intervals to discover neighbors and establish adjacencies
construct a complete map of the topology and compute the best path to each destination network
use the DUAL FSM to select efficient, loop-free paths, and insert routes into the routing table

CCNA 2 Chapter 9 2011 V4.0 Answers 100%

CCNA 2 Chapter 9 2011 V4.0 Answers 100%
1. What two actions will the EIGRP DUAL FSM take if a link to a network goes down? (Choose two.)
put the route into passive mode
query neighbors for a new route
search routing table for a feasible successor
run the SPF algorithm to find a new successor
search topology table for a feasible successor

Host in the network illustrated is unable to ping host How must EIGRP be configured to enable connectivity between the two hosts? (Choose two.)
R1(config-router)# network
R1(config-router)# auto-summary
R1(config-router)# no auto-summary
R2(config-router)# no auto-summary
R2(config-router)# auto-summary
R2(config-router)# network


Refer to the exhibit. The company is using EIGRP with an autonomous system number of 10. Pings between hosts on networks that are connected to router A and those that are connected to router B are successful.
However, users on the network are unable to reach users on the network. What is the most likely cause of this problem?

IP classless is enabled and is causing the packet to drop.
The command network was not issued on router C.
The routers are not configured in the same EIGRP routing domain.
Automatic summarization of the networks is causing the subnetted routes to be dropped.
4. What information is maintained in the EIGRP topology database for a destination route? (Choose three.)
the routing protocol
the feasible distance of the route
the highest cost of the route
the SRTT value for the route
the route cost as advertised by the neighboring router
the physical address of the gateway interface
5. On a router running EIGRP, what database would maintain a list of feasible successors?
routing table
neighbor table
topology table
adjacency table

Refer to the exhibit. What is indicated by the P at the beginning of the topology entry?
the route is in a stable state
the route is a preferred route
DUAL is searching for a better route to this destination
the exit interface is in passive mode and EIGRP advertisements are blocked
7. In the command router eigrp 20, what is the purpose of the number 20?
specifies the administrative distance for all EIGRP routes
identifies the autonomous system number this EIGRP process will advertise
determines what metric is added to all advertised routes
indicates the number of addresses in the EIGRP routing domain

Refer to the exhibit. In the topology table, what do the numbers 3011840 and 3128695 represent?
the route metric that is applied to those EIGRP routes for this router
the trustworthiness of the routing information source
the composite of the hop count and bandwidth to that destination network
the total metric for that network as advertised by the EIGRP neighbor
9. Which two statements describe characteristics of EIGRP? (Choose two.)
EIGRP is a distance vector routing protocol.
EIGRP supports classless routing and VLSM.
EIGRP is classified as a link-state routing protocol.
EIGRP uses TCP for reliable delivery of EIGRP update packets.
With EIGRP, loop-free paths are achieved through the use of hold-down timers.
EIGRP sends a periodic update every 30 minutes.

Refer to the exhibit. Network goes down. What type of packet does Router2 immediately send to Router1 and Router3?
a query for network
an acknowledgment packet to
an update packet that is sent to
a packet that contains the new routing table for R2
unicast update packets to and

Refer to the exhibit. Which command will advertise the network but not the network on router A?
12. What administrative distance would a router assign to a default route in EIGRP that is learned from a source external to the autonomous system?
13. In which of the following tables does the EIGRP DUAL algorithm store the primary route to a destination? (Choose two.)
shortest path
14. Which of the following types of routes will be denoted by EX in EIGRP routing table entries? (Choose two.)
routes learned from other routing protocols
routes learned from any non-adjacent EIGRP routers
any route with a hop count metric higher than 224
EIGRP routes that originate in different autonomous systems
all passive routes in the routing table
15. Which term defines a collection of networks under the administrative control of a single entity that presents a common routing policy to the Internet?
autonomous system
contiguous networks
process ID

Refer to the exhibit. EIGRP is the only routing protocol enabled on this network. No static routes are configured on this router. What can be concluded about network from the exhibited output?
A route to network is not listed in the routing table.
Packets that are destined for will be forwarded to
EIGRP will perform equal cost load balancing across two paths when forwarding packets to
The router with interface is a successor for network

Refer to the exhibit. All interfaces have been configured with the bandwidths that are shown in the exhibit. Assuming that all routers are using a default configuration of EIGRP as their routing protocol, what path will packets take from the network to the network?
Packets will load balance across the A,B,E and A,C,E paths.
Packets will load balance across the A,B,E and A,D,E paths.
Packets will load balance across the A,C,E and A,D,E paths.
18. By default, which two metrics are used by EIGRP to determine the best path between networks?
19. Which of the following statements describes the bounded updates used by EIGRP?
Bounded updates are sent to all routers within an autonomous system.
Partial updates are sent only to routers that need the information.
The updates are sent to all routers in the routing table.
Updates are bounded by the routers in the topology table.
20. The show ip eigrp topology command output on a router displays a successor route and a feasible successor route to network In order to reduce processor utilization, what does EIGRP do when the primary route to this network fails?
The router sends query packets to all EIGRP neighbors for a better route to network
The DUAL FSM immediately recomputes the algorithm to calculate the next backup route.
Packets that are destined for network are sent out the default gateway instead.
The backup route to network is installed in the routing table.

Refer to the exhibit. Based on the output of show ip eigrp neighbors, what are two possible problems with adjacencies between Router1 and Router2? (Choose two.)
The routers are configured with different EIGRP process IDs.
Automatic summarization was disabled.
The hello timer for R1 was altered.
The serial interfaces for both routers are in different networks.
No feasible successors were found.

Refer to the exhibit. This is the debug output from 2 directly connected EIGRP routers. They are not forming an adjacency. What is the cause?
one router is a non-cisco router
they have different autonomous-system numbers
they are using difference sequence numbers
they are sending incorrect hello types

CCNA 2 Chapter 8 2011 V4.0 Answers 100%

CCNA 2 Chapter 8 2011 V4.0 Answers 100%

Refer to the exhibit. Router B receives a packet with a destination address of What will router B do?
drop the packet
forward the packet via the route to
forward the packet via the route to
use the default route
2. A network is converged and the routing tables are complete. When a packet needs to be forwarded, what is the first criterion used to determine the best path in the routing table?
the route with the smallest AD
the route with the longest address and mask match to the destination
the route with the highest bandwidth
the route with the best combination of AD and lowest cost


Refer to the exhibit. Which statement correctly describes this network?
EIGRP is being used
There is at least one parent and one child route,, and networks are child routes
Traffic going to will be directed to s 0/0/1

Refer to the exhibit. Router1 has been issued the ip classless command. What happens to packets destined to host
they are dropped
sent to default gateway
forward out interface Serial0/0/1
forward out interface FastEthernet 0/0
5. The following entry is displayed in the routing table:
R [120/2] via, 00:00:26, Serial0/0/1
What type of route is this?

a level 1 parent route
a level 1 supernet route
a level 1 ultimate network route
a level 2 child route
a level 2 ultimate child route
6. What determines if the router implements a classless route lookup process?
Child routes are present in the routing table.
A classless routing protocol has been configured on the router.
The command ip classless is enabled on the router.
Multiple routes with different masks to the same destination are in the routing table.
Routing table entries have a next-hop IP address and an exit interface for each child route.

Refer to the exhibit. How many routes in this output qualify for use as ultimate routes?

Refer to the exhibit. What protocol was used to distribute the routing information for the network

Refer to the exhibit. What can be determined from this output?
The router will have to perform recursive lookups to forward a packet destined for
The parent route for these networks was removed from the routing table.
A route to would be classified as a supernet route for the routes listed in the routing table.
All of the routes listed are network routes.

Refer to the exhibit. The graphic contains partial contents of the routing table on router E. Router E is running version 12.3 of the IOS and is configured for default routing behavior. Router E receives a packet to forward. Which route in the routing table will be searched first and why? because it is the first ultimate route because it is the lowest network number because it is the first level 1 route because it has the shortest mask

Refer to the exhibit. Router1 is running IOS version 12.2. What will the network administrator need to do so that packets for unknown child routes of will not be dropped?
issue the ip default-network command
use a classful routing protocol such as RIPv1
enable either OSPF or ISIS as the routing protocol
issue the ip classless command
do nothing, ip classless is on by default

Refer to the exhibit. With the ip classless command issued, what will router R2 do with a packet destined for host
drop the packet
send packet out Serial 0/0/1
send packet to network
send packet out FastEthernet 0/0
13. A router has the following entries in its routing table:
S [1/0] via
O [110/2175] via, 00:02:15, FastEthernet0/1
D [90/22455] via, 00:12:15, Serial0/0/0
R [120/2] via, 00:00:15, Serial0/0/1
The router receives a packet that is destined for a host with the address Which route would this router use to forward the packet?

the static route
the OSPF route
the EIGRP route
the RIP route

Refer to the exhibit. What parent network will automatically be included in the routing table when the three subnets are configured on Router1?

Refer to the exhibit. What subnet mask will Router1 apply to child routes of the network?

Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator has discovered that packets destined for servers on the network are being dropped by Router2. What command should the administrator issue to ensure that these packets are sent out the gateway of last resort, Serial 0/0/1?
ip classless
no ip classless
ip default-network
ip default-gateway
ip route Serial 0/0/1

Refer to the exhibit. A packet destined for host is processed by the JAX router. After finding the static route in the routing table that matches the destination network for this packet, what does the router do next?
searches for a default route to forward the packet
drops the packet since the static route does not have an exit interface
performs a recursive lookup to find the exit interface used to forward the packet
sends a request to neighboring routers for the location of the network
18. What occurs when no ip classless is implemented on the router?
The router will only support classful IP addressing.
The router will only support classful routing protocols.
The router will use a default route, if present, when a matching route is not found in the routing table.
The router will assume it has knowledge of all subnets in the network and will not search beyond child routes for a better match.
19. A route to a destination network is learned from multiple routing protocols. What is used by a Cisco router to select the preferred route to the destination that will be installed in the routing table?
route prefix
update timer
administrative distance

CCNA 2 Chapter 7 2011 V4.0 Answers 100%

CCNA 2 Chapter 7 2011 V4.0 Answers 100%
1. A network administrator has been told that the company IP address infrastructure must adhere to RFC 1918. What three IP address ranges from RFC 1918 could the administrator use on the network? (Choose three.)

Refer to the exhibit. Routers East and West are configured using RIPv1. Both routers are sending updates about their directly connected routes. The East router can ping the West router serial interface and West can ping the serial interface of East. However, neither router has dynamically learned routes from the other. What is most likely the problem?
A gateway of last resort is required.
Subnetting is not supported by RIPv1.
VLSM is not supported by RIPv1.
One of the routers needs a clock rate on the serial interface.


Refer to the exhibit. What effect will the commands that are shown have on RIP updates for Router1?
Only version 2 updates are sent to
Only version 2 updates are sent to
Both version 1 and version 2 updates are sent to
Both version 1 and version 2 updates are sent to

Refer to the exhibit. What can be concluded from the output shown in the exhibit?
The routing table is limited to 2 routes.
The LAN interfaces are participating in the routing process.
One update has been sent out of each serial interface and 2 have been received.
The no auto-summary has not been configured on this router.
5. What are two reasons to implement RIP version 2 rather than RIP version 1? (Choose two.)
RIP version 2 supports VLSM.
RIP version 2 supports more than 16 routers.
RIP version 2 supports classful (and not classless) routing.
RIP version 2 supports routing update authentication.
RIP version 2 supports multi-areas.
RIP version 2 uses the Dijkstra algorithm rather than the Bellman-Ford algorithm.

Refer to the exhibit. RIPv1 is configured as the routing protocol for the network that is shown. The following commands are used on each router:
router rip
When this configuration is complete, users on the LAN of each router are unable to access the remote LANs. Why?
The network statements are configured incorrectly.
A routing loop has been created.
RIPv1 is unable to route to discontiguous subnets of a major network.
RIPv1 is unable to route networks with a /24 subnet mask.
7. A network administrator installed four new routers that are running RIPv2. Router1 is a boundary router in the RIPv2 network and has a default route configured. Once the network has converged, the network administrator enters Router1(config-router)# default-information originate on Router1. How will this affect the network?
prevents Router1 from forwarding updates about networks that are not directly connected
causes all routers in the network to synchronize routing updates with Router1
forces Router1 to become the primary or designated router (DR) for updates
propagates the default route to all routers in the network

Refer to the exhibit. A technician needs to add a new loopback interface to test routing functionality and network design. The technician enters the following set of commands on the router:
Sanford(config)# interface loopback1
Sanford(config-if)# ip address Why does the router respond with an error?
The router does not allow loopback interface configurations.
This mask can not be used with this class of addresses.
Classless routing must be configured before this address can be added.
The network address for Loopback1 overlaps with an already configured interface address.
The router is over the limit for the maximum paths that can be provided in the routing table.
9. What is the maximum network diameter permitted by the default metric of RIPv2?
15 hops
16 hops
100 hops
120 hops
255 hops
10. What are two functions of the network command used when configuring routing protocols? (Choose two.)
identifies which networks will be included in the routing updates
identifies the hosts addresses that can be summarized in the network
used to list all addresses for remote and local networks
determines which subnet mask to apply to routing updates
determines which interfaces can send and receive routing updates

Refer to the exhibit. All routers are running RIPv1. What changes will occur in the routing table of router B if a loopback interface with an address of is configured on router B?
Routes to the,, and networks are added.
A connected route to the network is added.
A third route to the network with RIPv1 as the source is added.
The route is dropped immediately from the routing table after router B is configured.

Refer to the exhibit. If all routers are running RIP version 2, why is there no route for the network?
Rip version 2 does not send subnet masks in its updates.
Router A is not setup with RIP as a routing protocol.
Rip version 2 will auto summarize routes by default.
Router B is not setup to advertise the network.
13. RIPv2 is the configured routing protocol on the routers in a network. The command Router(config-router)# no version 2 is entered on the routers. What effect does entering this command have on routing updates?
Subnet masks will be added to the routing updates.
Routing updates will be sent out using multicast address
Version 1 and 2 updates will be received and the version 2 updates will not be sent.
The RIP routing process will be removed from the router and routing updates will not be forwarded.
14. How are RIP v1 and RIP v2 similar to one another? (Choose three.)
They both use hop count as a metric.
They both have the same metric value for infinite distance.
They both broadcast their updates to their neighbors.
They both send subnet mask information in their updates.
They both provide for authentication of update sources.
They both use split horizon to prevent routing loops.

Refer to the exhibit. The exhibited network contains a mixture of Cisco and non-Cisco routers. The command debug ip rip was entered on the JAX router. All routers are running the same version of RIP. Router CHI and Router ORL are not able to reach the network. What is a possible solution to this problem?
Enable split horizon in the network.
Configure RIPv2 on routers.
Add network to the RIP configuration on the JAX router.
Configure JAX Fa0/0 as a passive interface.
Enable the Serial0/0/0 interface on the JAX router.
Change the IP address on the Fa0/0 interface of the JAX router to
16. What field was added to the RIP message header by RFC 1723 to add support for VLSM and CIDR?
subnet mask
destination port number
address family identifier
source and destination IP addresses

Refer to the exhibit. Which command on which router will allow Router1 to learn about the network?
Router1(config)# ip classless
Router1(config-router)# no passive-interface serial 0/1/1
Router2(config-router)# version 2
Router2(config-router)# neighbor
Refer to the exhibit. Which two statements are true? (Choose two.)
Router1 will install a route to
Router1 will install a route to
Router1 will install a route to
Router2 will install a route to
Router2 will not install a route to

Refer to the exhibit. All routers are running RIP version 2. JAX is configured to just advertise the network. CHI is configured to advertise the network. A network administrator enters the commands shown in the exhibit. What changes will occur in this network?
The JAX router will ignore updates for the network due to split horizon issues.
The CHI router will install a route to the network in its routing table.
The routing table for CHI will have the route but it will have an S next to the route.
The ORL router will apply a subnet mask to all networks in the routing updates it forwards.

Refer to the exhibit. Which command will allow Router2 to learn about the network?
Router1(config)# ip classless
Router1(config-router)# network
Router1(config-router)# no passive-interface serial 0/1/1
Router2(config-router)# version 2
Router2(config-router)# neighbor